Website Services: UX Strategy

Illustration depicting UX strategy of lightbulb and pencil.

About UX Strategy

UX Strategy focuses on translating discovery work into a user-centered action plan for building your website.

As a standalone service, we offer UX Discovery & Strategy as UX Consuling for clients looking to improve their site’s user experience.

For website redesigns and new websites, UX Strategy is the second stage of our formal website design process.


UX Strategy Offerings

User Personas & Journey Maps

Based on our research, we develop user personas to represent the customer archetypes who will use your website. We define their stories for how they will use your website, and why.

This exercise allows us to understand customer pain points, opportunities, and determine design solutions.

Information Architecture

Based on what we have learned about similar websites and your users, we plan the structure of your website so it is easy for users to find information on your website.