Website Services: UX/UI Design

Illustration depicting UX/UI Design with computer monitor and web pages.

About UX/UI Design

User Experience (UX) design focuses on how users interact with a product (in this case a website) to understand the users’ needs. This allows us to create an intuitive and efficient website that your users will want to use.

User Interface (UI) design focuses on the buttons, icons, visual elements, and interfaces in the user experience.

Both UX and UI are required to effectively design a website, from concept through the finished web design.

All our web designs are responsive to function optimally and look great across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

Illustration depicting UX/UI Design with computer monitor and web pages.

UX/UI Design Details

Wireframes & User Flows

We design wireframes and user flows to define webpage layouts and user interactions. These allow us to focus solely on the intended user journey and specific page interactions without concern for visual aesthetics.

Much like architectural blueprints for a building, wireframes are the blueprints of your website. User flows are the guide to how your users will interact with the pages of your website.

Visual or User Interface (UI) Design

Wireframes are translated into the interface’s visual design where we create engaging, beautiful, and easy-to-use web pages.

User Testing

Users are critical to a successful design process. By testing the designs with real users we gain valuable insight into the designs that cannot be gained from designers and stakeholders alone. Usability testing lets us know what is working well and where we might improve the designs to produce the best website possible.


Creative Digital produces designs that are accessible to users of all abilities in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)Following WCAG ensures your website is both compliant with accessibility laws and improves the user experience for all users.